Robert Fulton
Service Years: April 2, 1942-December 1945
U.S. Marines: Defense Battalion Guantanamo and the Pacific Theatre; Invasion of Saipan
Highest Rank: Captain
Robert was born on July 18, 1920, in Camden, NJ. Before the war, he worked for the Campbell Soup Company for $0.42 and hour. He enlisted when he was 22 years-old with the U.S. Marine Corp., under the impression that if he did not choose where he would like to serve, he would ultimately be drafted and serving under a unit that wasn’t of an interest. He had his basic training at Quantico and later, Jamaica. He would then be stationed at Guantanamo Bay in 1942/1943 for 11 months.
After a short leave, Robert was then sent to San Diego, along with 5 others. He was assigned to a Destroyer ship that was stocked with troops and ammunition, to be part of the Invasion of Saipan, which would take place on June 15, 1944.
The Invasion was crucial to the war, so that the U.S. could establish an sir base that would strengthen efforts against Japan* Robert’s time with the Marines would span 5 years. He would rise to the ranks, as a Sergeant, Corporal, and later Captain and run the U.S.S. Neville.
He would later return to Camden and become a salesman in the textile industry throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
*Citation: Battle of Saipan, History Channel. Retrieved from: